
Why 助理在 科学

The 助理在 科学 (AS) provides a framework for equipping students who want to transfer 和 who wish to earn an associate degree from Black Hawk College. The AS is suitable for students who need to complete additional math 和 science courses before transferring.  The AS degree accommodates sequenced coursework in these subjects, 比如微积分I, II, 和 III; or Chemistry I 和 II. The first two years of a baccalaureate degree at a four-year college or university are devoted primarily to a general education core curriculum 和 a small number of introductory courses for a specific transfer major. Transfer students can complete these types of courses at BHC within the AS degree with the goal of arriving at the transfer school well prepared for their major.



Students completing the 助理在 科学 degree will be able to:

  • 应用 scientific thinking skills through the study of physical 和 life sciences
  • 应用 quantitative skills through the study of mathematics
  • 应用 communication skills through the study of speech 和 writing
  • Evaluate human experiences through the study of the humanities 和 fine arts
  • Develop an appreciation of human continuity, diversity 和 change through the study of social 和 behavioral science

Transfer to a 4-Year School

Transfer schools differ in their acceptance of AS degrees, including possibly the need for additional general education courses after transfer.  If the transfer school does not accept the AS, 和 the student wishes to complete an associate degree before transferring, courses can be taken through the 助理在 艺术 degree instead. Academic advisors work closely with students 和 the four-year colleges 和 universities to choose suitable courses. Students may begin their transfer planning by reviewing 传输指南 & 协议Students interested in other colleges or universities should contact the transfer institution or a BHC advisor.

Degree Planning Worksheets

Before 2020, please refer to the respective BHC catalog. In the event of conflicting information between a worksheet 和 respective catalog, 以目录为准.


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